Course details

Handling objections

Course details

"No!" does not always mean no. Objections do not mean disinterest on the part of the customer, but quite the opposite, potential attention. In order to be able to recognize, decode and, in the best case, crack objections from the other party, this course presents the ten most frequent objections and how to react to them. For example, the Acknowledgement Method, which consists of four stages - the acknowledgement phase, question phase, argumentation phase, and activation phase - has proven particularly effective here.

Target group


Inside sales

Sales staff

Field sales representatives

Key account managers

Learning objectives

Distinguishing objections from pretexts 

Reading objections correctly 

Developing a reaction pattern for different objections 

Knowing the acknowledgement method and using it confidently to overcome objections 

Knowing how to systematically record and deal with the objections that occur in everyday work

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Handling objections

Business skills
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