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Working successfully in your home office

Course Details

More and more people are working from home all or part of the time. That has a lot of advantages, such as a better work-life balance and being spared the daily commute to work. At the same time, employees working from home also face major challenges. Many of the structures otherwise taken for granted are no longer there, and the easy, convenient contact with colleagues is also gone. The personal responsibility is greater—everyone is called upon to structure their working time, organize their workstation, avoid distractions and stay self-motivated. Learn how to do this in this practical training that includes many tips and transfer tasks for your everyday life working from home.

Target group

Employees who work from home all or part of the time

Learning Objectives

1. Develop strategies for setting up an effective home office environment.

2. Learn techniques for staying organized and productive while working from home.

3. Identify and address common distractions and challenges associated with working from home.

4. Develop effective communication strategies for staying connected with colleagues and clients.

5. Utilize technology and tools to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in the home office.

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テレワーク環境下での戦略についての具体的なアドバイスを受けて実際に試してみましたが、作業効率が上がったように思います。また、タスク管理アプリやデジタルツールをもっと活用したいと思いました。 See originalTranslate

Working successfully in your home office

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