Instagram Strategy + Account Audit 看原文看翻譯
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Do you want Instagram to help you with your business or marketing but don't know where to start?

Our team here to help you with:


Before we jump on the consultation call, the first thing we are going do for you is your Instagram account optimization. Our team will look into your profile, go through all of your content and branding, and then identify the pieces that should be fixed and improved for maximum results. We will show you exactly how to brand your Instagram profile so that it stands out from your competitors.This will set the foundation right for you to attract your ideal audience to you and turn them into followers.

90 Minutes Consultation Call ($997 Value)

This is an hour consultation where we will map out the plan and strategies specifically for your niche and topic that will get you the results.As well as show you the best practices that are proven to work and examples of content you should be doing to take your account and business growth to the next level.You get the chance to ask me questions directly so that I can guide you through step by step, move by move on everything you need to know when it comes to growing and monetizing on Instagram. By the end of the call, you will have total clarity on what you should be doing to achieve your goals.

Recording of the call ($97 Value)

You'll get access to the recording of our call so that you can go back and rewatch it for as many times as you want, to ensure you are doing everything right. Or, if you have your own team or agency who handles your account, you can have them watch this recording so that they have total clarity on the different strategies they should be implementing for you.

Checklist + Action Plan ($47 Value)

Based on what we covered in the call, you'll get this actionable checklist and action plan done for you, that shows you all the details and steps you need to be doing for the next few months. You will know exactly what to focus and work on at any given time. All you need to do is completing all the daily tasks given and you will start seeing results come in!1 year of Instagram content ideas and

25 Viral Hooks ($95 Value)

You get access to checklist of top 25 viral hooks on Instagram . These are the best performing ideas that are proven to get reach, follows and views.

1:1 Consultation includes:

-Instagram account audit

-90 mins consultation call

-Recording of the callChecklist + 25 Viral Hooks

Ready to start your journey? Select the date and fill in few fields below
