Learning Objectives 1. Specialize in helping employers create a motivating and inspiring environment for their employees. 2. Learn the tools and resources that you will need to take your business to the next level.
3. Identify the fundamentals of transformational leadership, including how to develop and implement vision and mission statements, create a culture of trust, and strive for excellence. 4. Understand the importance of motivating and inspiring employees to reach their full potential. 5. Utilize the skills and knowledge to create a positive, productive workplace environment.
変革的リーダーシップの考え方を理解されたい方には非常に良い入門コースだと思います。直属の部下をもたないプロジェクトマネージャーさんや、これからチームを率いる、マネージャー職につく方にはもちろんのこと、これまで取引型(Transactional)リーダーシップスタイルで仕事をされてきた方にもお勧めします。 原文を見る翻訳を見る